Monday, April 9, 2012

Day Thirty Three: The End is in Sight

Our group met on Easter Sunday to work on our poster. I looked through some of the example posters for ideas, and my favorite design is this one. The text in the center really jumps out and demands attention. The pictures around the edge can be screenshots or other relevant visual information. The rest of the group really likes this example poster as well.

We are focusing on our experiences in the middle of a release cycle. When we joined XBMC's community for this project, Eden Beta 1 had just been released. Bug reports from Dharma were rapidly triaged by the community and the remaining, high-priority bugs were fixed by the developers. Following the github page and seeing all of the pull requests and all of the changes that were made is rather fascinating. Other groups are experiencing the push to a new release, but Eden is out right now. The major bugs have already been fixed, but there is demand for documentation as a result. The wiki page even has a plea for help. We will mention this shift in focus in our presentation

The poster is still a little rough, but our abstract is finished. We will submit the application email tomorrow during class and continue working on the poster is there is time. I still need to recompile Dharma in order to get screenshots as a reference for our poster. It is funny that I am updating screenshots on XBMC's wiki for Eden, and yet I need Dharma screenshots for our project.

I came across the printing request sheet that must be filled out and noticed a place for the faculty advisor's signature. Is this Dr. Bowring? Also, it mentions a charge for Non-SSM departments, but I am not sure what that means. These are some of the questions that I need to ask in class tomorrow.

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